The Science of Star Wars:  Blasters and Lightsabers

No doubt you are wondering why you should waste your time looking at another website that some Star Wars fanboy put on the internet.  The answer to that question is simple.  Most Star Wars fanboys put about as much emphasis on the science of the franchise as Michael Bay places on the plot of his movies.  Believing it to be just a petty annoyance that can be swatted away with some large explosions and flashing lights.

But no!  Not me!  I vow to drag the science of Star Wars out into the light of the scientific world to see whether it will grow and flourish into a beautiful fig tree of nerdism, or if it will wither away and die.

To tackle all of the science behind every techno-gadget in all of the Star Wars movies, games, books, and fan-fiction novels would take truly forever.  So I have narrowed it down to two of the most iconic technologies of the franchise: Blasters and Lightsabers.


                                    Devices for chopping off hands                                                       Devices for shooting hands

For those of you who coLightsabersnsider science to be about as exciting as a lint and sawdust sandwhich, I will attempt to keep this discussion fairly easy to grasp.  However since this is a physics project and people with abbrivations in front of their names might take offense to a physics project which lacks physics, I shall oblige and include some of equations and values in this discussion.